About Therapy

Let’s imagine that therapy is like tending a garden...

As you enter adulthood, you might look at your life as a garden and think, “How did these weeds get in here? I didn’t plant those! I want to grow hydrangeas but can’t uproot the brambles!”

Perhaps plant analogies aren’t your thing, but perhaps you have felt daunted by the struggles of life and wish you had help to face them with confidence and authenticity. That’s where I come in: together we’ll discover what you’d like to keep in the garden, what you’d like to grow, and how to tend to the soil to let it flourish. The therapeutic relationship is a place to try on new ways of relating, coping, and being; it is my primary focus to create a space that is inviting to every part of you to allow this work to begin and take root.

My Approach

My approach is rooted in relational psychodynamic theory with attention to family of origin and attachment…

So, what does that mean, really?

As we are formed and wounded in relationship, so too do we find healing in relationship. As such, our therapeutic relationship will be a major lens for our work: we’ll discover how your relational style impacts your connection with others inside the room and out.

When appropriate, we may tend to the past so that you have fresh awareness and insight to move forward. In order to do this with care, I draw from trauma theory and mindfulness practices to gently incorporate the body. This complements our work by growing self-care practices and reconnecting to your body as it feels comfortable to you.

As a person and a therapist, I am: warm, steady, intuitive, kind, and playful. We will work hard and we might even laugh. I will maintain a professional, therapeutic atmosphere for you to grow, explore, and feel, while allowing space for humor, connection, and being yourself. I will hear you, grieve and grapple with you, and challenge you gently to be kinder to yourself as you walk in the world.

Clinical Orientation

All told, I intend to help you find freedom and peace to be fully, wonderfully you.


Internal Family Systems

“If you are always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be.”

Maya Angelou

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