Areas of Focus

Where I concentrate my work

01. Women+

How might your life look if you believed you were inherently worthy and allowed to take up space?

02. New Moms

Even if you have a supportive partner, family, or friends, the intensity and unrealistic expectations on new moms can just feel plain lonely.


Why women+? For starters, I’m one, too. I can appreciate the complexity of navigating personhood as a woman-identified person in the midst of a culture that often stifles, dismisses, and harms. Women are told many harmful messages in our society—that we need to wear ourselves out accommodating others, that it’s our job to nurture everyone but ourselves, that we’ll never be good enough, to present and behave in certain ways. How might you live your life if you were instead free to believe your that intuition, your desires, gender expression, and your body were good? How might your life look if you believed you were inherently worthy and allowed to take up space?

The greatest gift of my work is that I get to see my clients develop curiosity and care for themselves: an unbeatable recipe for living their lives with more confidence and voice.

*I use women+ intentionally to be inclusive to and make space for queer folks who may identify as trans, nonbinary, gendervariant, and more. I welcome and celebrate all gender identities.

New Moms

Becoming a mom can feel like immense culture shock: the language and expectations are new, there’s no handbook (and yet way too many), and suddenly every insecurity feels magnified. Even if a new mom has a supportive partner, family, or friends, the intensity and unrealistic expectations on new moms can just feel plain lonely. Sometimes, moms can find themselves stressed, depleted, and on the ragged edge of exhaustion… and decide THEY need a place to be cared for. If this sounds like you, I am honored to support you. Come and be refreshed; you don’t have to be in the weeds alone.

“We have been raised to fear the yes in ourselves”

Audre Lorde

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