
Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a consultation?

Yes! I offer an in-person consultation to determine if I can be of help and to answer any questions you may have. This time is free of charge unless we agree to continue working together, in which case we’ll view this hour as our first session.

What days are you in the office?

I am in the office on Monday through Thursday, offering morning and afternoon sessions.

What is your session fee?

My fee for a standard, 50-minute session is $145. I may occasionally have a few appointment times for those who cannot afford my full fee. I accept cash, checks, credit cards, and FSA cards.

What about insurance?

I am not currently in-network with insurance companies. I am happy to provide you with a form you can send in to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. That means you’re responsible for the fee at the time of our appointment and, depending on your plan, a certain percentage of that may be paid to you by your insurance company. I recommend asking your insurance company what their policy is for reimbursing Out-of-Network therapy from an LMHC (my license designation).

Do I need to bring any paperwork?

Before your first session, you’ll receive a link to login to a secure client portal to fill out intake paperwork.

“I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.”

Emma Stone

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